Interview - Human Sound
Born in Berlin, autodidact composer, writer, poet, kinesitherapist, masseuse, producer and image assembler.
Member and founder of bands such as Par-sonare, Kluster/Cluster (Leading band of the german Krautrock trend in the 70's, in the same way that Kraftwerk, Klaus Schulze, Can or Tangerine Dream, amongst others, did)
Harmonia, Friendly Game, Aquarello and Tempus Transit ....
Pioneer and discoverer of electronic music, precursor of experimental styles and tripy music that became ambient...
An impressive discographic production (over 80 albums) solo or in collaboration.
Collaborates, precisely, with an uncanny amount of artists, musicians, composers, movie makers, directors, choreographers...of all type and background.
Musical reference for many artists, as for example a certain Brian Eno, whose work he influenced...
Here is for the introduction!
So when a man like this invites you for a rare live with his accomplice and friend Dieter Moebius (Cluster), at the "Instants Chavirés" (small and convivial concert venue in Montreuil/Paris) one gets dressed and goes without a shadow of a doubt!
A stage looking like a "home studio", without blinking lights LED abuse, a pixelised images projection in lieu of props and lights...There you have the environment.
Roedelius/Moebius perform an efficient and taking set, a beautiful and simple music (to the point that you may think you even could do it...but again!!..)
A big electronic trip that makes you grow a few inches.
They are smiling, and look like they are having fun like two mischievious kids in their favorite play room.
The audience is under their spell and ask for more.
This beautiful communion will be interrupted by...a bug!:-)
Fascination has had the privilege to meet Hans-Joachim Roedelius for a long and cordial interview, concerning his collaboration with the artists/designers
Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas for "Grateful Vanity" a 4 audio sculptures projects (created by Kuntzel & Deygas) that integrates a piece by Roedelius created for an exclusive use of those sculptures.
Don't be jealous because we thought of shooting the whole thing...You won't miss a thing.
Florence deygas & Olivier KUntzel