"Naked rather than bad hair day"
Born in Bergerac, France, Charlie Le Mindu was a hairstyling prodigy at the French Hair Academy, cutting and styling hair from the age of thirteen.
In Berlin, Le Mindu established himself as Resident Hairdresser at nightclubs such as White Trash, RIO Club, and Barbie Deinhoff's. He performed "Live Cuts" in his champagne suite at countless private parties and set up several ensuite salons.
The French designer set up his East London flat and hairdressing residencies around the city’s nightspots and developed a regular clientele including Carrie Mundane, the B52s, Adamski, Peaches, and Jodie Harsh. Charlie Le Mindu drew inspiration from local East London personalities like Slayer, John Waters and even animals, claiming that “The hair is so much more interesting here!’”
His repertoire of clients includes the likes of Lady Gaga, Kap Bambino and Ayumi Hamasaki, to name a few.
How would you define beauty?
CHARLIE LE MINDU: We have to have fun while remaining chic and sexy!
Do you use a lot of ethnical references and symbols in your work? And how do you chose them?
CLM: For me it's very important to travel and look abroad to see all the cultures. For example right now in London the fashion is a jamaican trend!
Hairdresses for the star, is it a necessary step in a hairdresser's career?
CLM: People are the new models and give you a perfect exposure!
Passion, voluptuous, spectacular..do these words define your style?
CLM: Exactly
Clothing and accessories fmade of hair..Do you have to shampoo and brush them regularly?
CLM: No, it's very easy to keep up with.Only brushing and straugntening.
You are from Bergerac, can we draw a parallel between your hairdos and the generous approach to cuisine in this french region?
CLM: Not sure!
Are you rather lacquered duck or angel hair?
CLM: I like both!I like to taste everything!
Are you more Prince or Princess?
CLM: I let girls and transvestites be a princess, it's suiting.I'm rather a KING, or a Queen sometimes..
What fascinates you?
CLM: Music. I love Heavy Metal, especially women in Heavy Metal, like Lee Aarron.
What would you drea to invent for our hair?
CLM: It's a secret!
Show Charlie Le Mindu Spring/Summer 2012
Copyright Cesar Segarra
Show Spring/Summer 2012