My name’s Laetizia-Venezia Tarnowska. Image was always in my life in all its aspects. When I was a kid, I was collecting postcards with eagerness… I realised couple of years latter, that people like Cartier Bresson, Newton, Man Ray etc.….
Were photographers who were coming back to me. I started to be in front of the camera, as a human hanger…Which’s not pejorative, just sarcastic. This job helped me to travel & between two castings in N.Y( first place I felted “home sweet home”), I started to carry around an hold Polaroid camera with a bellows & took pictures of people who were moving me…They were giving me 5 minutes of there time, & in exchange of a polaroid, I could fell alive. I would never see them again (probably) & they were giving me “pure instant love”.
Nothing else matters, & that’s the first time I felt I was coming alive, having a reason to exist on this earth…in a way writing my life, that I didn’t need to be afraid anymore….i could have Alzeimer disease, & out of my polaroids, I could live my imagination running running & make up beautiful stories. I fragment 2 seconds in an infinite time…timeless…a suspension in a space-time, For ever & ever. Always have the choice to take this moments on film or not…or keeping it in my heart & my mind.
Polaroid’s also having a quirkie format & that’s why it makes it so special… I fond a way of completing myself in between all that different supports, such as video / editing/ filming etc….
It happened to me to film for Canal + & Canal Jimmyas a journalist, as a guinea pig for shows like Edouard Baer / Karl Zéro…or from one day to an other as a photographer on a set of Abel Ferrara…& sometimes I could be in front of camera getting a second part, as an actor, in “Child Games” of Yann Samuell. So what…I’m multifunctions, I don’t expect anything from anyone or anybody, don’t know what life’ll turn up to be…. that’s my philosophy, I follow my instinct…Too bad for the people who don’t get it, judge me, or try to put me in a box…Need to be moved, thrilled, driven by the wind…. earts beats, or the sweetness of breathing & so much more…. That’s how I feel the world surrounding me with my hopes, doubts & my breaks….