Medicine bags
Vanessa & Kira Lillie, A mother daughter collaboration.
Vanessa Lillie is the inspiration, Kira is the creator.
Hand made medicine bags are part of ancient Native American culture: historically, buffalo hide necklaces were worn around the neck and filled with meaningful belongings. Growing up, Kira watched her mother, a healer in Santa Cruz, make her own, petite interpretation of them, mixing leather and intricate bead work. From a very early age Kira would sit with her mother and attempt to create the perfect little bags. Today, after working in the fashion industry for ten years, Kira has created VK Lillie, a mix between her mother’s creation and her own personal touch.
Each one is uniquely made with vintage leather gloves, and embellished with Japanese seed beads and semi precious stones (onyx, moonstone, quartz, hematite). Finished with a gold plated silver or pure silver diamond ball cut chain. Each medicine bag comes with 7 powerful, semi-precious stones: morganite (for love), rose quartz (for inner peace and self-love), smoky quartz (against depression), turquoise (healing, detoxifying), tourmaline (for inspiration), amber (for energy) and jade (for luck, health and fortune). These intimate objects are made to give you a customized strength and power on a day-to-day basis.
Tigers Eye
Containing the energy of sand and sunlight, bringing together the energies of the Sun and the Earth, grounding and peaceful, generating soothing vibrations. It assists one in bringing together scattered details into a beautiful pattern. It has been used to stimulate wealth and to enhance the stability to maintain it. It s solar energy brings brightness and optimism, promoting intuitive impressions, and insight to internal struggles. It balances yin and yang energies and the hemispheres of the brain, and attunes one to the connectedness of all beings.
Is a master healer, emanating a purifying energy. It heals, cleanses, aligns and strengthens both the physical and energetic bodies, healing the spirit, bringing peace of mind. It can bring any and all energies to a higher level, excellent for spiritual attunement, improving meditation, as well as being a strong facilitator of grounding. It brings together the energies of Mother Earth and Father Sky. It brings communication skills to emotional issues, creativity, and to intuition, while allowing for the promotion of love in all issues. The Native Americans consider it to be a protective stone and a bestower of goodness.
Known as the supreme nurturer . It is a very strong stone for protection and helps one to be grounded and connected to the stabilizing forces of the Earth. It has a cleansing effect, smoothing dysfunctional energies and eliminating negativity. It balances the body, mind and emotions with the divine.
Protects ones aura (energy field) and helps to keep it clear, balanced, and free from energy leaks. It assists one in sustaining and maintaining, attracting strength, while navigating change and transformations in their life, facilitating understanding of and realization of the destiny one has chosen. I enhances faith in ones inner knowing, clarity of inner sight and the ability to actualize it.
Smokey Moonstone
Protective, balancing, introspective, and lunar (moon like). Assist one in changing, and forming new structures on all levels. It s energy relates to new beginnings and realizing each new beginning is the fruition of each end It is a stone for feeling and understanding via intuition/ inner knowing. It brings flashes of insight, and helps one to apply that insight. It brings calmness and discernment coupled with awareness. It arouses tenderness within the self, and brings happiness into the surrounding environment.
Used to attract inspiration and to encourage self confidence. It bal-ances the hemispheres of the brain, the energy center and the ouric body. It provides direction towards that what would bring “good”. It helps one to look within the depths of ones being with as much belief in the reality of the inner world as one maintains for the outter would.
A “stone of health” transmuting negative energies to a beneficial state. It helps one to change ones world by producing both expansiveness in awareness and manifestation. Garnet boost creative powers to the stage of implementation. Attracts love to the wearer and helps with devotion and bringing the love to others with warmth and understanding.
This stone helps to bring clarity, equalizing and stimulating ones intellect to be compatible with each situation, providing for direction of purpose with lightness of heart. It is excellent for use in groups, facilitating the qualities of companionship, encouraging self-esteem, self trust and trust in others. It provides access to the sacred laws of the universe; gently bringing ideas, stimulating thought, and allowing the subtle feelings to permeate the center of ones being.
Quartz Crystal
Supports the amplification, focusing, storage, transfer, and trans-formation of energy of whatever it is close to. Rock crystals can be used to active and clear the energy centers or chakras. It is said to bring the energy of the stars into the soul. The natural tendency of quartz is for harmony, rejuvenation and it is known as a stone of power.
Deborah & Hugo
Vk Lillie Haute Couture collection 2012
Set designer by Nini Gollong.
The red room is DON CROSS'private spa's massage room.
The kaleidoscope was built to intensify the healing powers of the medecine bags semi precious stones and for the symbolism.