If fashion had an epicentre, Quidam de Revel would close to it. In October 2000, when they opened their boutique, Emmanuelle and Philippe didn’t imagine for a second that their “ideas lab” would become THE consulting place for all designers and fashion houses.
SM : At Quidam de Revel, who does what?
QDR : He stitches, I saw… I’m joking! Very roughly I buy and Philippe tells me when to stop!
SM : What’s your training?
QDR : In Philippe’s family, fathers and sons are antique dealers. I’m a professional dreamer.
SM : What is to be found at Quidam de Revel?
QDR : Futile items to make you dream about: Ancient, beautiful, luxurious pieces.
SM : Who consults you?
QDR : the movie business, the ad world, fashion houses and museums. SM : Do you receive specific orders?
QDR : Indeed we tend to receive specific orders because we have been working with the same houses for a long time.
SM : Where do you find these wonderful items?
QDR : It takes time and patience to put together a collection but it becomes harder and harder to find good stuff.
SM : What are the main factors to find good items?
QDR :To be part of a collection, an item must have the following factors: it has to be beautiful, rare, a good vintage, in good condition and a prestigious brand.
SM : Do you cover all the periods?
QDR : We cover from the 20’s to the 80’s.
SM : What are the pieces you prefer?
QDR : The pieces we prefer are the ones similar to us.
SM : What’s a treasure for you?
QDR : A treasure is unique; you are the one and only owner.
SM : What fascinates you?
QDR : The quest for the Holy Grail does.