"Musical terrorist"
It's loud, it's funny and surprising: you have to run with your ears wide open, to see or rather listen to "sound of noise".
This Swedish movie follows a "musical terrorist" band , which takes some urban environments over for a while and turn them into songs. The result is astonishing, the creativity amazing and the form represent a Dantesque mixing and body of work.
Because we can really hear the rhythm and the music when those unusual percussionists play..electric cords, shovellermechanical shovel and oxygen cord!!Really deep!
Bengt Nilsson (Amadeus Warnebring)
Bengt Nilsson was educated at the National Academy of Drama.
The six drummers
The six drummers are Magnus Börjeson, Fredrik Myhr, Johannes Björk, Marcus Haraldson Boij, Anders Vestergård and Sanna Persson
All except Sanna are professional musicians. Sanna is a full-time actress, well known for her roles in the tv show ‘Hipp Hipp!’ and in Jan Troell’s feature ‘As white as snow’.
Artist in free sound with a passion for water.
Favourite drummer: Chris Frantz (Talking Heads).
Favourite tune: Autobahn (Kraftwerk).
Favourite skins: 14" Evans Heavy Duty B14HD (snare).
Preferred style: Playing with heart.
Favourite instrument: Ford Taunus 74 (6 cylinder V).
Trivia: Can swallow fire.
Strict conceptualist with narrow margins. The composer of the group.
Favourite drummer: Linn Drum Machine.
Favourite sound: Sinus tone.
Favourite tune: I Feel Love (Donna Summer).
Prefers to play with: Dice.
Favourite food: Escargots au beurre d’ail.
Myran aka The Ant
Rebel without agenda. Strikes hard, privately and professionally.
Favourite drummer: Keith Moon.
Favourite tune: All Day And All Of The Night (The Kinks).
Favourite food: Ground meat.
Favourite skins: Black spot.
Prefers to play with: Drumsticks.
Hobby: Breeding pigeons.
Classically-trained percussionist. Part Finn.
Preferred playing: No compromise bebop.
Favourite skins: Skin.
General preference: Solos.
Preferred eating: Alone.
Trivia: Able to run a marathon.
A slick all-round drummer. Master of all genres.
Favourite drummers: Steve Gadd, Harvey Mason, Stewart
Favourite Tune: Weeps when listening to “In the Stone” (Earth,
Wind & Fire).
Kit: Yamaha 9000 power recording, K-Zildjian cymbals,
Remo Pinstripe skins.
Favourite instrument: 10" Splash Cymbal.
Worst gig: The one that didn’t happen.
Trivia: A certain appreciation for world music.
Electrically obsessed genius with wide experience in highvoltage
Favourite beat: Four on the floor.
Favourite drummer: Kenny “Dope” Gonzales.
Favourite kit: Anything electric, preferably the Simmons SDS-7
or, when not available, the SDS-5.
Favourite toy: Homemade Tesla Coil 184kHz, starting at 100.000
Favourite tune: Popcorn by Gershon Kingsley.
Trivia: Can fix anything.
Photos Nils Bergendal
Sound of noise
Un film écrit et réalisé par Ola Simonsson & Johannes Stjärne Nilsson
Avec Bengt Nilsson et SIX DRUMMERS : Sanna Persson Halapi, Magnus Börjeson, Anders Vestergård Fredrik Myhr, Marcus Haraldson Boij, Johannes Björk
Suède - France / Durée : 1h42 / SCOPE / 2010
Nicolas Becker, Lasse Liljeholm, Eddie Axberg, Cyril Holz,
Philippe Amouroux, Gabor Pasztor, Ulf Olausson