“If you can’t aim right when taking a leak, then you’re definitely not Chanel at all!” The menacing banner is spread across the restrooms of the famous fashion house. One could easily suspect the message being one of Karl Lagerfeld’s tricks: looking as if butter would melt in his mouth and with his very stuck-up-hyper-chic look, the man is indeed extremely funny, rather at ease in his crocodile-skin boots for girls.
This quite unique character wears many hats: workaholic, more of a photographer in fact – cute naked young Christlike-boys early Yves Saint Laurent’s style – than a highly talented black and white couturier. He now and again designs Haute Couture sketches – against his will and under pressure it seems – making good use of Typex and eye shadow! Scrap metal man too, his hands covered in rings to the point he nearly hurts his assistants when patting their arms in a friendly gesture! He is known for his starry-eyed young girl attitude, very concerned with his look, but then turns up dressed in… Dior! Sometimes even clad in a spinning dervish skirt! Sublime! He is a book lover as well, a lonesome cowboy, with a weak stomach, especially when flying (a small comforting cushion becomes a must). But where the greatest mystery lies is when one discovers that the more the century comes to an end, the younger the man looks, just like Adjani. Twenty years ago, he looked twenty years older… How is this humanly possible?
Should this documentary be a success, it’s all thanks to his colourful personality, although not putting aside the great support work of the highly skilled director Rodolphe Marconi – “Ceci est mon corps”. The fun complicity between those two can hardly be missed, considering that the very chic airbus Business class can indeed be transformed into a residential area for semi-obese …
Lagerfeld Confidential
A french documentary by Rodolphe Marconi
Length: 1h 27m